Firstly, I just copy the following code:
[Config Tictoc4]And got the above two errors and two warning. So, I modified the code like the followings:
network = Tictoc4
Tictoc4.toc.limit = 5
[Config Tictoc5]
network = Tictoc5
**.limit = 5
[Config Tictoc4]Now, the two errors are gone but there are two warnings like the following:
network = demo1.TicToc1
Tictoc4.toc.limit = 5
[Config Tictoc5]
network = demo1.TicToc1
**.limit = 5

I am really very anxious about the errors and I am a beginner to work in Omnet++ . So, if anybody can tell me the solutions then please tell me in the comment section. This definitely help me if you tell me the way to solve the problem.
Thanking you....